October 2024 Progress

It has been a month of variety at Wilcox Technologies.  We have made progress on numerous fronts towards endian neutrality, forged important partnerships, and finished important scaffolding for the future.  Now, I would like to detail some of our more noteworthy achievements:

We identified an issue in Clang that prevented versions 17 and newer from functioning properly on 32-bit big endian computers.  We proposed a fix that was iterated on and accepted upstream.

We made significant strides on the big-endian Web browser front.  We have successfully ported the Arctic Fox browser to the musl libc, and sent the package for eventual inclusion in Adelie Linux.  Additionally, we are working with Firefox upstream on improvements to big endian compatibility in the JavaScript engine and the graphics component.  We feel that our current methodology will provide better maintainability for all platforms while enhancing endian compatibility.

We continued our effort to upstream support for the musl libc to the systemd project.  This work also completes some maintenance work that they were already planning, and we are happy to be aligned on this work.

We have identified a contributor who is interested in assisting in bringing the dinit system to Adelie Linux.  We will work with them on integration and testing, and merging the work into the Adelie distribution.

We acquired a Raptor Lake-based system for our Platform Compatibility Lab, ensuring we can test our work on the latest Intel platform systems.

We worked with the Adelie Linux project and triaged dozens of issues in the Adelie issue tracker to identify where they belong on the roadmap, set up milestones and project tracking in GitLab, and fostered discussion on issue tagging to lessen backlog and encourage community participation.

We have begun porting our in-progress project Auctions to the Meson build system, which also brings much easier maintenance of XIB files compared to the prior CMake-based build system.

These monumental steps forward for open source are only possible with the support of people like you.  If you want to be a part of our efforts, please support us on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors.  Your contributions allow us to focus on what matters: improving the state of Libre Software for everyone.


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