It has been a month of steady climbing at Wilcox Technologies. We further expanded our supported platforms, worked on development tooling on PowerPC, and began a new effort around Rust. Now, I would like to detail some of our more noteworthy achievements.
We have established a development agreement with Apple, allowing us to expand our services to the Mac, iPhone, and iPad platforms. We look forward to bringing the benefits of Libre Software to users of Apple hardware old and new.
We worked with our friends at Gentoo Linux to find and correct issues with libraries used by Diffoscope on big-endian platforms. We are proud to announce we have successfully used the Diffoscope software on 32-bit PowerPC hosts. Powerful development tooling means a lot on underrepresented platforms such as these, as they allow developers to better support them.
We are pleased to announce that we now have dedicated build hardware for 64-bit x86 Linux and 32-bit Arm Linux, completing our matrix of all platforms supported by the Adélie Linux system. This, combined with our existing set of Windows and Mac hardware, allows us to bring our expertise to nearly every extant computing platform.
We are additionally able to leverage our extensive hardware lab to provide more assistance to porting projects of varying complexity. If you need help porting your software from one platform to another, whether open-source or line of business, reach out to us today.
We worked with various projects across the Libre Software ecosystem, including Midipix, binutils, and others. We are putting the finishing touches on updating the Adélie Linux base system compiler from GCC 8 to GCC 13. We identified dozens of issues across many software components, including the compiler itself, and we are glad to be an integral part of solving those issues. This makes Libre Software better for all.
We are now beginning the process of updating the Adélie Linux Rust compiler to the latest stable version, 1.80. We have already identified and solved a few minor issues, working with the Rust community to ensure the compiler works well for everyone. We are excited to improve the state of Rust on Adélie Linux, and on PowerPC and musl systems more generally.
We rely on funding from individuals and companies aligned with our Libre Software interests, not venture capitalists, to perform our work. If you want to contribute, please consider supporting us on Patreon. Your generosity helps us to drive progress forward.
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